Haris Mateen

Products & Technology Manager, Doctoroncall

I am a Tech Innovator by profession and my moto is “solving problems”—I love to understand real life problems and finding solutions to resolve them with modern technology. That said, I would focus on the results, by establishing innovative teams and quickly transforming ideas into new insights.

During the pandemic, I have had the honor and privilege to work with the government of Malaysia to establish the first every Covid-19 Virtual Health Advisory portal — a collaborative effort between DoctorOnCall and the Ministry of Health (MOH) Malaysia to manage effective response to Coronavirus pandemic. This was unprecedent and most effective way for the government to provide reliable and single source of all truth and management of covid pandemic response. The launch of virtual health advisory portal was successfully completed in just four days.

My professional achievements and the experiences throughout this journey have provided me invaluable experiences in my professional as well as personal life. They have also taken me on a fascinating “self-discovery” quest that has allowed me to learn several things about myself and how make world a better place.

Posts by Haris Mateen


Latest What are the Chances of Dying from Dengue Fever?

The Aedes mosquito can be found in tropical and subtropical areas around the world. It carries the dengue virus and makes you sick. Of course, we want to avoid it….

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Eye Disorders

What are the Chances of Dying from Dengue Fever?

The Aedes mosquito can be found in tropical and subtropical areas around the world. It carries the dengue virus and makes you sick. Of course, we want to avoid it….

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Family Planning

What are the Chances of Dying from Dengue Fever?

The Aedes mosquito can be found in tropical and subtropical areas around the world. It carries the dengue virus and makes you sick. Of course, we want to avoid it….

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What are the Chances of Dying from Dengue Fever?

The Aedes mosquito can be found in tropical and subtropical areas around the world. It carries the dengue virus and makes you sick. Of course, we want to avoid it….

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Different Classification of Dengue. How Can You Recognize Their Symptoms?

The Aedes mosquito can be found in tropical and subtropical areas around the world. It carries the dengue virus and makes you sick. Of course, we want to avoid it….

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Smoking Cessation

What are the Chances of Dying from Dengue Fever?

The Aedes mosquito can be found in tropical and subtropical areas around the world. It carries the dengue virus and makes you sick. Of course, we want to avoid it….

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What are the Chances of Dying from Dengue Fever?

The Aedes mosquito can be found in tropical and subtropical areas around the world. It carries the dengue virus and makes you sick. Of course, we want to avoid it….

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Are You Mosquito-Proof? How to Protect Yourself from Dengue?

The Aedes mosquito can be found in tropical and subtropical areas around the world. It carries the dengue virus and makes you sick. Of course, we want to avoid it….

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DengueDengue Dance

Dengue Dance-Proof? How to Protect Yourself from Dengue?

The Aedes mosquito can be found in tropical and subtropical areas around the world. It carries the dengue virus and makes you sick. Of course, we want to avoid it….

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Different Classification of Dengue. How Can You Recognize Their Symptoms?

The Aedes mosquito can be found in tropical and subtropical areas around the world. It carries the dengue virus and makes you sick. Of course, we want to avoid it….

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